Book Cover Deaf Like Me

Deaf Like Me

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by Thomas S. Spradley and James P. Spradley

Back Cover

The heartbreak, love and anxieties of all parents of a handicapped child are simply and movingly expressed in this story of a family’s desperate fight to teach their deaf daughter to speak so she will be considered ‘normal’.  The result is a moving story of how a small deaf girl breaks the chains of ignorance and prejudice that have held her mute for five years–to discover the worlds she cannot hear and to teacher her family what love and being normal really means

Sample Passage

The previous summer the John Tracy correspondence course had been suggesting other ways to prepare Lynn to use her voice.  We learned that language was not simply words, but words spoken in the rhythm of sentences.  Words spoken with punctuation and stress.  And so we began to teach Lynn the rhythm of speech even without the sound of speech.

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